Recent hot car deaths of infants

Over the past several months there seems to be quite a few incidents in which children were left in hot cars and died. A recent news article in the Washington Post states that at least 17 children this year have died as a result of being left in a hot car. We also have to keep in mind that these are reported ones that made the news.

The bible tells us that children were given special care, especially when they were young.

1 Thessalonians 2:7 But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children:

Definition of the word cherish: to cling fondly or inveterately to: to hold or treat as dear

Going by the definition of the word cherish (to cling fondly to) we have to be aware of our child’s safety at all times and avoid things that could potentially harm them.

In one incident that took place in Wichita Kansas, a man left his child in his car with the windows rolled up and went inside his house, sat down eating pizza, smoking marijuana and watching “Game of Thrones” and was reminded that he left his child in the car when a crying baby was on the TV.

This was definitely not an example of someone who cherished their child.

In some of the other incidents, it was pure reckless behavior by the parent’s, that caused the deaths of their children.

The scriptures tell us to be cautious in all things.

Ephesians 5:15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

Definition of the word circumspect: watchful and discreet; cautious;

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